Stomp Nutrition

Stomp Nutrition, a brand dedicated to empowering and fueling adventure sports athletes, particularly those involved in board sports like skateboarding, snowboarding, and skiing, required a comprehensive branding package. The goal was to create a distinct visual identity that resonated with their target audience and reflected their commitment to high-energy, eco-friendly nutritional products.

Shaping Moments: A Creative Journey in Design


The primary challenge was to develop a brand identity that would stand out in the competitive sports nutrition market while specifically targeting board sports athletes. This included creating a cohesive visual identity that emphasized sport-specific recovery and performance, coupled with eco-friendly practices. Additionally, the brand needed to appeal to a diverse and dynamic audience, making it essential to balance boldness with authenticity and innovation.


The concept for Stomp Nutrition’s branding revolved around capturing the essence of adventure and thrill that defines board sports. The visual identity was designed to be bold, energetic, and authentic, using vibrant colors and dynamic typography to reflect the high-energy lifestyles of the athletes. The inclusion of various logo variations, such as the Circle Badge and Mountain Badge, ensured versatility and relevance across different platforms and contexts, particularly in skiing and snowboarding markets.


To address Stomp Nutrition's branding challenges, a dynamic brand identity was created with versatile logo variations, including the Primary Skewed Logo, Primary Straight Logo, Circle Badge for digital platforms, and Mountain Badge for skiing and snowboarding markets. The typography choices were League Gothic for headlines and buttons, Gothic Bold for subheadings, and Poppins Family for body text. A vibrant color palette of Deep Blue, Vibrant Orange, Soft Vanilla, and Bright Yellow was selected. Marketing materials such as business cards, social media templates, and packaging were designed to reflect this new identity. Community engagement included event participation, sponsorships, and branded merchandise to ensure a strong brand presence.


To address Stomp Nutrition's branding challenges, a dynamic brand identity was created with versatile logo variations, including the Primary Skewed Logo, Primary Straight Logo, Circle Badge for digital platforms, and Mountain Badge for skiing and snowboarding markets. The typography choices were League Gothic for headlines and buttons, Gothic Bold for subheadings, and Poppins Family for body text. A vibrant color palette of Deep Blue, Vibrant Orange, Soft Vanilla, and Bright Yellow was selected. Marketing materials such as business cards, social media templates, and packaging were designed to reflect this new identity. Community engagement included event participation, sponsorships, and branded merchandise to ensure a strong brand presence.